Thursday, January 2, 2014

Arthritis Treatment Using Ayurvedic Herb Guggul

If you have any form of arthritis, I'm sure you've considered using lots of different options to ease your arthritis pain. Ayurveda is an ancient healing art that has been practiced in India for centuries and has naturally also been used for arthritis treatment.

Mukul Myrrh is a small, thorny plant which is common in India and guggul comes from the yellow-colored resin produced by the stem of the plant. Guggul is one of the most used herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. It is because it has amazing properties - it is anti-inflammatory, analgesic and is an immune enhancer. It is used for joint pain, arthritis and sciatica, among others.

This is not all, this wonder herb can reduce existing plaque in arteries and improve the body's metabolic rate (therefore the fat burning activity) and improves the function of the thyroid. It also helps lower cholesterol. It decreases the platelet 'stickiness' in the blood, thus reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. This is why it is one of the best herbs used in Ayurveda to treat obesity and related disorders. This herb, however, should not be used during pregnancy as it promotes menstrual discharge and is a uterine stimulant.

Another Ayurvedic herb (well it's a combination of 3) is Triphala and this is a good thing to take as well when you are using guggul as this supports the herb gugul and also helps to detox your body.

As arthritis thrives in an acid environment (which is why acid forming nutrition is counter-productive - coffee, for example), it is important to rid your body of unwanted toxins and then add foods to your diet that are alkaline forming. This includes lots of vegetables and most fruit. Cut down on meat, coffee and alcohol. Smoking is very acid forming and should also be avoided.

You can also do research online to find out more information why Ayurveda can be a great help with arthritis treatment.

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