Saturday, January 11, 2014

What Is Arthritis?

Arthritis is inflammation of joints, which results in pain, stiffness and swelling of the affected joint. The word "arthritis" is derived from the Greek word "arthron" which means joint and Latin word "it is" meaning inflammation. Arthritis includes a group of diseases that affects the joints and tissues surrounding the joints. It is one of the leading causes of immobility in people above the age of 50.

CAUSES: Normally a joint is covered with smooth cartilage that protects the joint and allows the smooth movement. When there is breakdown of cartilage, the smooth surface becomes irregular and the bones rub together causing pain and inflammation. Joint inflammation can be due to number of reasons such as:

• General wear and tear of the joint causing osteoarthritis
• Autoimmune disease (rheumatoid arthritis)
• Infection (septic arthritis caused by bacterial infection)
• Trauma or repeated injury (post traumatic arthritis)

In some cases, inflammation is temporary and goes away after some time; whereas, in arthritic joints the inflammation is chronic and may cause long lasting disability. Arthritis affects men, women and children. Person who is overweight is at higher risk of developing osteoarthritis.


• Osteoarthritis is the most common type which results due to trauma, overuse of the joint and degeneration of joint cartilage due to natural process of aging.
• Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, long lasting disease that affects approximately 1% of the population all over the world. It is due to body's immune system attacking own cells and destroying the joint surfaces.
• Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in children
• Psoriatic arthritis- Psoriasis is a psycho-somatic disorder that affects mainly the skin; but as the disease progresses, joints are also involved.
• Other less common types of arthritis are reactive arthritis, gonococcal arthritis, tuberculous arthritis, viral arthritis, systemic lupus arthritis, adult Still's disease and scleroderma.

SYMPTOMS: The symptoms of arthritis depend upon the type of arthritis, but the common symptoms that are seen in all the types of arthritis are:

• Joint pain
• Joint swelling
• Redness and inflammation of the joint
• Stiffness which is worse in the morning
• Limited range of movement of the affected joint.

DIAGNOSIS: Diagnosis is made by medical history, careful evaluation of the symptoms, physical examination and investigations. Investigations include blood tests, joint x-rays and examination of joint fluid in case of infective arthritis. Blood tests vary according to the type of suspected arthritis case.

TREATMENT: The treatment of arthritis depends upon the cause and type of arthritis, severity of the disease, age and occupation. Treatment focuses on reducing the pain and discomfort and to prevent further progress of the disease. Different treatment options are:

• Medications: Pain relieving medicines which include over-the-counter medicines and prescription drugs are given to relieve the pain. Some of the painkillers are acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin, biologics and corticosteroids. Other group of medications include anti-malarials, immune-suppressants, azathioprine and methotrexate.
• Exercise and Physical therapy: This improves muscle and bone strength, reduces pain and stiffness and helps in maintaining healthy joints. The exercise program for each patient is decided by the physical therapist depending upon type and severity of arthritis. Heating pads and cold packs give temporary relief to the inflamed joints.
• Surgery: Surgery of joints is considered in cases where the above treatments fail. It is done to maintain a normal lifestyle.

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