Sunday, April 21, 2013

Arthritis in Cats - Symptoms

Cats are animals that are very agile from their kitten days. With this agility comes ailment of the bones, joints and ligaments caused by the life-style or accidents. This does not cause much hindrance since the cats are light, use the limbs well, and because the fore limbs which are good shock-absorbers are independent from the rest of the bones.

Arthritis can be caused by osteoarthritis or joint injury. The former is due to failure of the joint due to fair wear and tear or obesity. The later is due to fall, accident or fights.

Arthritis due to any injury does not have the symptoms lasting very long. It goes when the injury heals. If the injury causes the bones to break, then surgery will be required.

Some symptoms which indicate onset of arthritis include reduction in the agility and mobility of the cat. They begin to avoid stairs, move slower and stop taking short hops. In short the cats stop or reduce climbing, scratching, jumping or running.

Arthritis can cause the cats to limp which will get pronounced with worsening of the condition. This will be evident when the cat walks after a good night's rest which may reduce after moving around. The limp will also be pronounced in winters.

Such cats avoid getting petted, brushed or stroked. They tend to become irritable, moody and show a sense of being unwell. They also become lethargic, sleep more, feed less, and also loose interest in playing with their favorite toy.

Medicines for reducing inflammation, changes in diet and exercise or surgery can be used to treat this condition.

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