Saturday, April 27, 2013

Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic skin condition that causes inflammation of the skin and joints. It is quite common, resulting in patchy, scaly and red areas of skin. The areas that mostly get affected by it are the elbows, knees, near the navel and genital area and the scalp.

This is a particular type of arthritis that takes place in those people who already have psoriasis. A person suffering from psoriatic arthritis will have symptoms of both the skin and joint disorder.

The likelihood of this condition taking place is equal for men and women alike - usually, at the age group of 30-50. For some people the condition may be mild and not as severe as it is for the rest, affecting only a couple of joints.

It is important to be familiar with the symptoms and recognize them when they start showing up, and if they are not treated on time, the symptoms may worsen, resulting in more serious health issues.

The most common symptoms include the effect of psoriatic arthritis over the fingers and toes of a person. Rough, scaly and dry rashes start taking place on areas of the body such as the knees and elbows.

The joints start to swell up which causes great pain and uneasiness. For example, the swelling of the wrists and fingers, knees, ankles and toes would result in the person hardly being able to carry out any of the tasks in daily routine. The fingers and toes may swell up to such an extent that they would appear to be sausage like. Moreover, grayish scales would show up on the scalp and other areas where the condition has taken its toll.

Apart from the swelling up of the joints, the person may also suffer pain in the lower back and buttocks. The nails would get highly affected, becoming pitted.? Upon waking up, the joints would seem to be quite stiff. Also, fatigue and a lethargic feeling are common for people who are suffering from psoriatic arthritis.

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