Friday, June 14, 2013

Are Those Aches and Pains a Sign of Arthritis

At some point in time, you will suffer from nagging aches and pains - we all do. Whether you suffered an injury, slept the wrong way, or just woke up one morning feeling a little stiff - everyone has experienced pains at some time or another, but when are daily pains a cause for concern? When is it time to call your physician? Are those aches and pains a sign of arthritis or should you ignore them hoping it will go away?

Arthritis can produce many different symptoms, as there are several types. If you are suffering from nagging aches and pains, take a look at a few examples of various types of arthritis and the common signs that accompany them. Your minor aches may be the beginning stages of arthritis.


This form of arthritis normally affects the elbow, hip, and shoulder area, but it can also affect the knee, heel, and even the big toe. Athletes, such as golfers, baseball players, and tennis players are generally affected by bursitis, but those who have poor posture or attempt to exercise after long periods of inactivity are also susceptible. A common sign of bursitis is pain in the joints. The affected area may also become swollen and/or warm to the touch.


This form of arthritis is most common among older individuals and it can be brought on by long term normal use leading to cartilage damage to the joints. In the beginning stages osteoarthritis may not be noticeable, but the affects of cartilage loss can clearly be seen on x-rays. Osteoarthritis involves the joint, muscles, bone, and ligaments. It can affect the fingers, hips, knees, and spine. Symptoms of arthritis can include aching pain and stiffness even at rest. The pain can get worse with overuse.

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Inflammation of multiple joints; this form of arthritis affects the joints and soft tissue around the spine. It can involve other parts of the body such as the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and even the eyes. Common symptoms are hip and low back pain and stiffness, pain in the affected area (neck, shoulders, knees, and ankles). There may also be difficulty expanding the chest as well as a low grade fever, weight loss, and fatigue.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

This form of arthritis is caused by an overactive immune system. The symptoms commonly start out as minor pain and stiff that comes and goes, but as the arthritis gets worse, the pain becomes more frequent.


When your body has excessive uric acid, you may develop gout or gouty arthritis. The symptoms of gout are intense pain in the joints as well as the affected area being swollen, red, and warm to the tough. Gout can occur in the ankles, knees, and writs. The symptoms may come and go with inactive periods that last for years. If left untreated, the crystals formed from the uric acid can cause bone deterioration.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it is suggested that you seek medical attention. What seems like a minor annoyance, could be the beginning stages of a more serious medical condition and it's better to be safe than sorry.

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