Saturday, June 15, 2013

Herbs to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

There are many herbs have a good reputation of curing various diseases, this hold especially true for rheumatoid arthritis. There are even special kinds of over the counter drugs, that when you add various herbs to them, the potency of the herb will become stronger. Although you can use herbs to treat many kinds of arthritis, there are some herbs that you can only use on rheumatoid arthritis. That is why, even though a certain herb is classified as herb that can heal arthritis, you will need to check with your doctor whether you can use it as a cure for rheumatoid arthritis.

Many people do not know this but, a stinging nettle has been known as one of the most effective natural cures for rheumatoid arthritis. The application of this remedy is simple, hold the nettle in your hand very firmly, and then rub it along the affected parts of your body. Doing this should help ease the pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. It will be very painful once you apply the nettle. Although, after some time you will no longer feel the pain caused by the arthritis, you will only feel the pain coming from the nettle. Do not worry because, you will get used to the pain from the nettle, the more often you use it. Also, when you apply the nettle, you skin will become very itchy. You must fight the lure to scratch yourself at all costs, the more you scratch yourself, the worse it becomes. It is a bit of choosing the lesser evil. However, most prefer the sensations caused by the stinging nettle over the pain arthritis.

I am sure that you are already reluctant to apply nettle on your skin. Well, there is another way to use nettle as a herbal remedy for rheumatoid arthritis, you can drink nettle tea. Drinking at least one cup of fresh nettle tea a day, will lead to all sorts of health benefits. Aside from giving you relief from the pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis, nettle tea also helps purify your blood. If you dislike the taste of nettle tea, just simply add a bit of honey or a bit of sugar to the tea.

Even though it will take some time for the healing affects of nettle to be visible, when they appear you will definitely see the difference. Stinging nettles are a surprisingly effective herbal remedy for arthritis. Many people swear by that nettle can indeed provide much relief from all kinds of arthritis.

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