Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Battle Plan For Osteoarthritis Pain

Are you finally at your breaking point with osteoarthritis pain? You've literally beaten the streets seeking out all the various doctors and specialists you can afford and are not quite sure where to turn next. Perhaps you've been working too hard looking in all the wrong places. Did you know that there are many pain fighting nutrients found in everyday foods that can substantially reduce the inflammation so common in osteoarthritis. These very same nutrients just by being present in the body can and will, if in adequate supply, begin repairs on damaged tissues and the surrounding joints.

This isn't news for Naturopathic doctors or the many health enthusiasts out there. Naturopaths and health enthusiasts alike focus all of their energies on looking for natural remedies. One of their other goals is to avoid causing additional unwanted problems with a treatment meant to heal. With all of that in mind, they have chosen the route of nutrition and have met with a good measure of success without the back draft of side effects from excessive drugs and pharmaceuticals.

We're talking about a lot of nutrition here. The main dilemma with osteoarthritis is the rapid speed at which the cartilage breaks down. The cartilage actually deteriorates much faster than our bodies can rebuild it so the solution is certainly not drugs. That's a pretty one-sided treatment. While you're being medicated, you're probably losing a ton of nutrients as well as more cartilage. Doesn't make much sense unless you're comfortable with the eventual loss of all of your cartilage. Nutrition and plenty of it is the definite answer. Especially the kind of nutrition that's contributive to joint strengthening and rebuilding. The hard facts are if you don't eat the nutrients, your body won't have what it needs to strengthen and rebuild cartilage. You've got to have these nutrients. It's that simple.

Even if you've had unbearable joint pain from osteoarthritis for years you can begin to do something about it now and see results soon by getting healing nutrients in your body by putting them on your breakfast, lunch and dinner plates.

Before we talk about the specific nutrients be sure you understand how important water is to this solution for pain. It will do little good if you consume a bunch of nutrients and drink no water. Water is vital. Every bodily function is dependent on water. The water you drink will carry all those wonderful nutrients you consume to your bloodstream and then directly to your cartilage. If you don't drink any water your body will have a tough time utilizing the nutrients. You might as well say that you're wasting your money on nutrients that your body will never get to use.

Studies have found that particular phytochemicals reduced the risk of osteoarthritis in the knees to almost 40 percent. The phytochemicals singled out were vitamin E, lutein and lycopene. Most of your brilliant colorful fruits and vegetables are loaded down with these beneficial phytochemicals. For vitamin E, head for the wheat germ, olive oil, nuts and seeds.

Get a bit of sunshine for that necessary vitamin D. Just five minutes a few times a week in the sun is plenty. No need to subject yourself to skin cancer. Vitamin D helps protect your cartilage and your bones. If you don't get enough your risk for problematic osteoarthritis increases.

Your body needs vitamin C too. It requires it to make collagen, a fundamental part of your cartilage, muscles and bones. Without vitamin C to build with, your joints tend to weaken. Deficiencies speed up the rate of deterioration and weakness. If you feel that your osteoarthritis has gotten worse, it just might be that you're not getting enough C. Typically, those who get lots of vitamin C in their diets experience an easier time with symptoms.

The bottom line again is nutrition. Do all you can to get as much as you can into your body. And drink lots of water; at least six to eight glasses a day. You can win this battle.

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