Saturday, September 14, 2013

Treating Arthritis Naturally

Conventional medications for arthritis do help relieve pain but there are more and more arthritis sufferers who have found natural treatments that have shown great results after taking some to manage their condition. Should you decide to start treating yourself naturally, these are the natural cures that you might find beneficial:

  1. Devil's Claw: The name of this treatment might sound weird but it has been found to be effective for arthritis. This herbal plant, which has a fruit that looks like the claw of the devil, has been helpful to the natives of Kalahari Desert in South Africa in alleviating the pains that is associated with arthritis and inflammations. People often make a tea out of Devil's Claw by brewing the roots in water. It might be better if you will use the whole plant because the other parts of this plant have flavonoids and these provide better relief from arthritis. This claim is backed by research done by French and German researchers that said that this plant works like cortisone because it holds a glycoside called harpogoside that can help lessen the inflammation. You can get this in tablet forms from health food companies and stores.

  2. Water Therapy: This might probably be the easiest way to get relief from arthritis and this can also be one of the most effective therapies that you can get. You just have to drink warm water and your body, especially the affected parts, will be lubricated for an hour. It is important that the joints have adequate fluids so when bones rub against each other, it will be smooth. Another method that you can use in this kind of treatment is by putting the water in a container known as sensory deprivation tank that can keep the water's temperature the same with the temperature that a normal body should have.

  3. Molasses: Molasses, when dissolved in water, will make a syrup that tastes like you have put a tablespoon of sugar in it. The British who have been using this to answer their craving for sweets found the soothing relief that it gave to the aches that they feel. Molasses is composed of many different minerals such as potassium, iron and magnesium.

  4. Copper Accessories: The most popular accessory that is made out of copper that is considered a good way to treat arthritis is the copper bracelet. Whether this is effective or not is still a subject of debate between many people. An Australian study discovered that using bracelets that are made of copper can be an effective remedy for arthritis and pains that come with it but only when one is also taking aspirin to relieve the pain. There are substances in copper that can be absorbed by the skin, so it can also be effective. If you think it's worth a try, you can buy these bracelets at numerous online shops.

Using these so-called natural cures for arthritis has been helpful to some people but not every remedy will work for each person. Try each one to determine which works best for you.

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