Saturday, October 5, 2013

6 Ways to Prevent Joint Deformities in Arthritis

Arthritis, especially Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis are often complicated by joint deformities. This is because the inflammation of joints in the above mentioned two diseases involves the destruction of synovial layer on joint contact surfaces, being uneven in combination with mechanical force, the jagged joint surfaces later result in erosion and displacement of the joint. As the arthritis progress, the space between 2 joint surfaces narrows, ultimately the joint become non-functional and unable to move. The condition is known as sublimation, a permanent irreversible condition. So, can this dreadful consequence be avoided? The answer is yes, by the following methods

1. Early confirmation of erosive arthritis, followed by immediate use of strong anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the intensity of inflammation, aiming to protect the synovial layer. Drugs namely Indomethacin, Diclofenac and Glucocortocoids are frequently used.

2. Decrease protein intake, red meat especially.

3. Stop drinking coffee, but replace them with tea, for its desired anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effect.

4. Exercises, by promoting the use of unaffected joints, and use the affected joint at normal range of motion (not over-extend or over-flex).

5. Brace, splints and guards to keep the movements of affected joint in normal range, hence prevent damages due to inappropriate application mechanical forces on the fragile joint surfaces.

6. Vitamin C, reduces vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels), protect joint blood vessels from auto-immune or infective inflammation, especially in the case of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

There are obviously more ways and means to prevent joint deformities, currently there is an undergoing effort by online medical writers to compile information from experienced arthritis patients and research papers from different medical organizations. I will keep this topic updated from time to time to bring the latest recommendations and findings concerning joint deformities prophylaxis to the public.

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