Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Arthritis In Cats - What Is Causing It And What You Can Do Naturally?

Arthritis in cats is not a common problem, as it is in dogs. Its veterinary title is known as feline osteoarthritis, or feline degenerative joint disease. It affects the cartilage of the joint, rather than the joints themselves. But as the cartilage wears away, the joints can rub together.

Arthritis in anyone commonly occurs years after a joint injury. The joint may swell up causing pain. This leads to lameness or stiffness. Naturally, the cat will be less inclined to move about. Certain areas may be painful to touch.

Cats are less likely to suffer with a genetic inheritance of arthritis than dogs are, unless they have been inbred. But environmental factors do play an important role in whether or not they will develop it. Toxicity comes high on the list.

It is normally older cats or overweight cats who are the ones who are most prone to suffer. This is not inevitable. It isn't age that is the problem per se, so much as the accumulation of toxins, that cannot be eliminated.

The two most common culprits of toxicity in the life of the majority of domestic cats are the processed commercial cat food and the veterinary medication.

Let's examine each in turn.

Commercial cat food is made by corporations. Corporations have one aim and one aim only; to make money. This is true across the board, whatever area they are in. Honestly, quality, integrity and ethics do tend to get in the way of maximum profits, so are limited, discarded or skated over.

The ingredients that are used in commercial cat food are of poor quality, with cheap food that is unsuitable for cats, laced with a chemical cocktail to stimulate the appetite, to colour, to flavour, to preserve, to hide.

Veterinary medication, as with human medication, does not aim to cure arthritis in cats, or any other condition. Instead, it can only manage the problem by suppressing the symptoms.

In doing so, it adds to the already burgeoning toxic load and lowers the immune system. This compounds the problem.

Past medication, including vaccines, may have lead to this problem simply by overloading the cat with toxins.

So why do people unwittingly create a problem for their cat? It's not that most people are gullible; it's more that children are brought up to respect authority without question. As a result, the world is dominated by people who can't think for themselves, but obey what they are told, especially if that person is held in high social regard.

Start to question for yourself. Start to look for causes yourself. You have as much ability to work problems out as the next person. Don't allow the opinions, however common, of others to sway your better judgement.

Arthritis in cats can be prevented if the cat is fed a good quality, natural diet. And it can be cured by adding in to this good quality homeopathic treatment.

To find out more about natural and healthy choices, click on the link below.

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