Monday, October 28, 2013

Types of Arthritis - Knowing the Difference Makes a Difference

Having aches and stiff joints are sometimes a part of life. But if one notices that this goes beyond usual wear and tear or if it begins to interfere with the ability to live a normal, happy life, a type of arthritis may be the cause. Being able to identify what type of arthritis is the culprit will aide in the treatment and prevention of damage to joints.

23.1 million Americans have been diagnosed by doctors with arthritis. There are 2 main types of arthritis, osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, both are painful and can be debilitating but there are major differences.

Osteo-arthritis is also known as a degenerative arthritis, a syndrome which causes low-grade inflammation and pain in the joints. This type of arthritis is caused by the abnormal wearing of the cartilage that acts like a cushion inside joints. The synovial fluid which acts as a lubricant is also destroyed or decreased. The bone becomes less and less protected by the cartilage and lubricant causing pain during movement such as walking, it can even cause pain upon bearing weight like standing. Muscles may atrophy because of the lack of movement due to pain.

Osteo-arthritis is the most common form of arthritis and its main symptom is acute pain and occasional inflammation in joints. The large weight bearing joints such as the hips feet and spine are usually the first joints to be affected. In the fingers and smaller joints, bony lumps may form, limiting movement.

Diagnosis of osteo-arthritis is usually done through x-ray, allowing the doctor to see specific damage. Further testing through MRI or arthroscopy may be included. Treatment may include dietary supplements, topical rubs, NSAIDS, injections of glucocorticoid or hyaluronan, even possible joint replacement surgery.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto immune disease. It is chronic condition that causes the body's immune system to attack its own connective tissues such as the joints but can also affect other organs. Morning stiffness lasting 20 minutes or more, flu like symptoms, painful joints on both sides of the body, swollen joints and fatigue are some of the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

A blood test to screen for the rheumatoid factor (Rh) is usually taken to determine the diagnosis of RA. X-rays are also taken to reveal severity of the condition and damage to joints. Early detection of this disease is imperative for successful treatment.

While there is no known cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis, there are several avenues of treatment ranging from dietary supplements, anti-inflammatory medication, NSAID's, methotrexate and joint replacement surgery.

New discoveries and progress in medication is made each year in the field of arthritis treatment, from natural science to synthetic laboratory findings. Arthritis is a painful and debilitating disease if left untreated, but discomfort, inflammation and damage can be prevented if diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

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