Saturday, November 2, 2013

Homeopathic Remedies for Osteoarthritis

Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis are two of the biggest and most common type of arthritis affecting millions of people worldwide.

As scientific advancement and the life span of human beings increases so does the number of diseases afflicting us. People live longer and osteoarthritis usually affects the older people.

Homeopathic treatment of arthritis has a number of useful medications which control and stop the progression of this very painful condition. Every individual patient reacts differently to different medications and a detailed analysis is necessary before medication is prescribed.

Listed below are some of the common drugs used in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Aconitum napellus: Cold weather and chilly winds case a sudden flare up of inflammation. This medication helps in controlling the swelling.

Apis mellifica: Warm weather aggravates the pain and swelling in some patients and this leads to a lot of pain which could be acute in nature. The medication soothes the pain and swelling.

Arnica: Sports injuries can sometimes lead to arthritis and the medication helps in such cases.

Belladonna: Sudden inflammation and unbearable pain are symptoms that can be treated with this medication.

Bryonia: Most arthritis patients are advised plenty of rest so that there is no sudden movement of joints. This medication is used for treating acute pain.

Calcarea carbonica: People who are on the heavier side and sudden jerk and movement causes acute pain in such people. The knees are mostly affected as they have to carry a lot of weight. Te medication helps in such conditions.

Calcarea phosphorica: In certain patients there could be a deposit of calcium in the joints. This could lead to inflammation and pain. The pain is reduced using this medication.

Calcarea fluorica: Injury to joints and bone enlargement is treated with this medication.

Cimicifuga : Severe pain especially in the case of women during the menstrual period is best treated with this.

Dulcamara: Allergies and back pain caused due to arthritis is treated with this medication

Kali carbonicum: Deformity and cold weather induced arthritis is best treated with this medication.

Kalmia latiflora: Sudden attack of arthritis pain concentrated more on the knees is effectively treated with this.

Ledum palustre: Swelling and cracking joints are the most common symptoms of osteoarthritis and the medication helps in the treatment.

Pulsatilla: Sudden flare up of pain in the back and knees are best treated with this.

Rhus toxicodendron: Pain in the morning is best treated with this medication.

Ruta graveolens: Wear and tear of the joints causes lots of pain. This condition is best treated with this medication.

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